Table 1

Baseline characteristics and prior healthcare service use of matched treatment and control cohorts

Treatment cohort
Control cohort
Sociodemographic characteristics
Age, mean±SD48.96±14.1848.98±14.170
 Female5257 (52.8)5257 (52.8)0
 Male4694 (47.2)4694 (47.2)0
Education quintile
 Missing556 (5.6)541 (5.4)0.01
 Q1 (lowest)690 (6.9)661 (6.6)0.01
 Q21485 (14.9)1461 (14.7)0.01
 Q31989 (20)1977 (19.9)0
 Q42523 (25.4)2548 (25.6)0.01
 Q5 (highest)2708 (27.2)2763 (27.8)0.01
Employment quintile
 Missing556 (5.6)541 (5.4)0.01
 Q1 (lowest)2196 (22.1)2234 (22.5)0.01
 Q22013 (20.2)1876 (18.9)0.03
 Q31787 (18)1915 (19.2)0.03
 Q41745 (17.5)1746 (17.5)0
 Q5 (highest)1654 (16.6)1639 (16.5)0
Rurality + neighbourhood income quintile
 Missing19 (0.2)19 (0.2)0
 Rural2381 (23.9)2383 (23.9)0
 Urban Q1 (lowest)2196 (22.1)2166 (21.8)0.01
 Urban Q21579 (15.9)1597 (16)0
 Urban Q31431 (14.4)1477 (14.8)0.01
 Urban Q41336 (13.4)1321 (13.3)0
 Urban Q5 (highest)1009 (10.1)988 (9.9)0.01
Migrant status
 Immigrant*262 (2.6)267 (2.7)0
 Non-immigrant9689 (97.4)9684 (97.3)0
Smoking characteristics
Frequency of smoking
 Daily9745 (97.9)9133 (91.8)0.28
 Occasional206 (2.1)818 (8.2)0.28
Cigarettes per day, mean±SD17.82±9.7717.56±9.560.03
Age first tried smoking, mean±SD15.82±4.8115.69±4.670.03
Duration smoking (years), mean±SD33.14±14.4133.29±14.200.01
Health comorbidities
Prevalent comorbidities
 COPD2985 (30)2018 (20.3)0.23
 Hypertension2863 (28.8)2694 (27.1)0.04
 Diabetes1515 (15.2)1146 (11.5)0.11
 Asthma1882 (18.9)1474 (14.8)0.11
 Cancer448 (4.5)400 (4)0.02
 Myocardial infarction332 (3.3)248 (2.5)0.05
 Congestive heart failure235 (2.4)193 (1.9)0.03
No. ADG comorbidities, mean±SD5.84±3.435.45±3.630.11
 0–55149 (51.7)5177 (52)0.01
 6–93314 (33.3)3355 (33.7)0.01
 10+1488 (15)1419 (14.3)0.02
Rate of healthcare service use ppy†
Outpatient visits (mean±SD)6.61±8.626.16±7.640.06
ED visits (mean±SD)0.89±1.400.83±1.500.04
Hospitalisations (mean±SD)0.13±0.380.12±0.370.02
  • Number (%) are reported unless otherwise noted.

  • *Includes immigrants and refugees.

  • †During 2-year period up to index date.

  • ADG, Aggregated Diagnostic Groups; COPD, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease; ED, emergency department; ppy, per person year; Q, quintile; SMD, standardised mean difference.