Table 2

Annual economic burden attributable to tobacco, by cause and country for 2020 (US$ millions)

Economic burden (US$ millions)ArgentinaBrazilChileColombiaCosta RicaEcuadorMexicoPeruTotal
Direct medical cost (%)2782.5 (52.3)9347.4 (38.5)1959.0 (45.0)1169.6 (50.6)285.1 (53.8) 655.7 (49.5)5370.8 (59.6)1215.2 (45.8)22 785.4 (45.8)
Caregiver cost (%)1068.9 (20.1)6023.7 (24.8)1196.3 (27.5)519.0 (22.4)100.0 (18.9) 312.2 (23.6)922.7 (10.2)700.1 (26.4)10 843.0 (21.8)
Productivity cost (%)1470.1 (27.6)8930.2 (36.7)1193.7 (27.4)624.6 (27.0)145.3 (27.4) 355.5 (26.9)2720.7 (30.2)735.8 (27.8)16 175.7 (32.5)
Total economic burden5321.4 (100%)24 301.3 (100%)4349.0 (100%)2313.2 (100%)530.5 (100%)1323.4 (100%)9014.2 (100%)2651.1 (100%)49 804.2 (100%)
As a proportion of GDP1.3%1.9%1.8%0.9%0.9%1.3%0.9%1.3%1.4%
Proportion recovered through taxes25.4%9.4%27.1%14.3%8.8%7.3%22.5%4.4%14.9%
Direct medical cost (US$ millions)
CV disease780.0 (28.0%)2280.4 (24.4%)505.3 (25.8%)362.2 (31.0%)118.1 (41.4%)274.4 (41.9%)1797.4 (33.5%)146.8 (12.1%)6264.6 (27.5%)
Stroke53.5 (1.9%)447.0 (4.8%)204.3 (10.4%)83.2 (7.1%)06.8 (2.4%)48.4 (7.4%)321.1 (6.0%)154.0 (12.7%)1318.3 (5.8%)
COPD521.4 (18.7%)4307.8 (46.1%)490.3 (25.0%)344.2 (29.4%)57.2 (20.1%)168.4 (25.7%)1995.0 (37.1%)452.0 (37.2%)8336.3 (36.6%)
Pneumonia16.6 (0.6%)31.2 (0.3%)01.3 (0.1%)04.9 (0.4%)01.4 (0.5%)02.2 (0.3%)55.5 (1.0%)04.5 (0.4%)117.6 (0.5%)
Lung cancer606.3 (21.8%)453.2 (4.8%)269.0 (13.7%)113.1 (9.7%)24.1 (8.4%)35.3 (5.4%)285.1 (5.3%)133.9 (11.0%)1920.0 (8.4%)
Other cancers481.9 (17.3%)751.8 (8.0%)263.8 (13.5%)127.0 (10.9%)44.1 (15.5%)49.9 (7.6%)288.2 (5.4%)185.1 (15.2%)2191.8 (9.6%)
Secondhand smoke322.7 (11.6%)1076.0 (11.5%)225.0 (11.5%)135.1 (11.6%)33.5 (11.7%)77.2 (11.8%)628.5 (11.7%)138.8 (11.4%)2636.8 (11.6%)
Total direct medical cost2782.5 (100%)9347.4 (100%)1959.0 (100%)1169.6 (100%)285.1 (100%)655.7 (100%)5370.8 (100%)1215.2 (100%)22 785.4 (100%)
Proportion of national health expenditure7.2%7.8%9.1%6.0%6.5%7.9%9.3%11.7%8.1%
Productivity cost (US$ millions)=
Premature death
CV disease170.2 (25.4%)917.7 (26.4%)84.3 (19.6%)48.8 (19.9%)13.7 (29.3%)33.8 (28.1%)387.7 (36.5%)36.9 (12.0%)1693.2 (26.7%)
Stroke60.2 (9.0%)324.8 (9.4%)42.4 (9.9%)29.0 (11.8%)03.4 (7.2%)15.7 (13.0%)108.3 (10.2%)35.2 (11.5%)619.0 (9.7%)
COPD85.4 (12.8%)469.8 (13.5%)91.3 (21.3%)45.0 (18.4%)09.7 (20.6%)20.7 (17.2%)189.7 (17.8%)74.5 (24.2%)986.1 (15.5%)
Pneumonia29.2 (4.4%)161.7 (4.7%)08.9 (2.1%)04.9 (2.0%)01.6 (3.5%)07.1 (5.9%)59.7 (5.6%)18.3 (5.9%)291.4 (4.6%)
Lung cancer125.3 (18.7%)452.2 (13.0%)63.2 (14.7%)39.8 (16.3%)04.4 (9.5%)08.9 (7.4%)63.3 (6.0%)40.1 (13.0%)797.2 (12.5%)
Other cancers120.2 (18.0%)739.8 (21.3%)89.0 (20.7%)48.4 (19.8%)08.5 (18.2%)20.1 (16.7%)129.2 (12.2%)67.0 (21.8%)1222.1 (19.2%)
Secondhand smoke78.7 (11.8%)405.9 (11.7%)50.4 (11.7%)28.8 (11.8%)05.5 (11.7%)14.2 (11.8%)124.9 (11.8%)35.4 (11.5%)743.7 (11.7%)
Total premature deaths669.0 (100%)3471.8 (100%)429.6 (100%)244.7 (100%)46.9 (100%)120.4 (100%)1062.9 (100%)307.4 (100%)6352.8 (100%)
CV disease116.8 (14.6%)1368.4 (25.1%)115.0 (15.0%)28.7 (7.6%)12.9 (13.1%)69.3 (29.5%)350.9 (21.2%)24.0 (5.6%)2086.0 (21.2%)
Stroke64.3 (8.0%)375.0 (6.9%)100.4 (13.1%)69.7 (18.3%)02.6 (2.6%)26.7 (11.4%)199.4 (12.0%)64.6 (15.1%)902.8 (9.2%)
COPD302.8 (37.8%)1544.7 (28.3%)287.9 (37.7%)163.5 (43.0%)32.5 (33.0%)77.9 (33.2%)598.0 (36.1%)232.9 (54.4%)3240.1 (33.0%)
Pneumonia00.3 (0.0%)00.9 (0.0%)00.0 (0.0%)00.0 (0.0%)00.0 (0.0%)00.1 (0.0%)00.5 (0.0%)00.1 (0.0%)01.8 (0.0%)
Lung cancer100.8 (12.6%)547.4 (10.0%)62.8 (8.2%)29.5 (7.8%)12.3 (12.5%)09.1 (3.9%)99.9 (6.0%)18.2 (4.2%)879.9 (9.0%)
Other cancers122.3 (15.3%)988.3 (18.1%)109.2 (14.3%)44.0 (11.6%)26.6 (27.0%)24.3 (10.3%)214.0 (12.9%)39.3 (9.2%)1567.9 (16.0%)
Secondhand smoke93.9 (11.7%)633.7 (11.6%)88.9 (11.6%)44.5 (11.7%)11.5 (11.7%)27.7 (11.8%)195.1 (11.8%)49.2 (11.5%)1144.5 (11.7%)
Total disability801.1 (100%)5458.4 (100%)764.1 (100%)379.8 (100%)98.4 (100.0%)235.1 (100%)1657.8 (100%)428.3 (100%)9822.9 (100%)
Premature death669.0 (45.5%)3471.8 (38.9%)429.6 (36.0%)244.7 (39.2%)46.9 (32.3%)120.4 (33.9%)1062.9 (39.1%)307.4 (41.8%)6352.8 (39.3%)
Disability801.1 (54.5%)5458.4 (61.1%)764.1 (64.0%)379.8 (60.8%)98.4 (67.7%)235.1 (66.1%)1657.8 (60.9%)428.3 (58.2%)9822.9 (60.7%)
Total productivity cost1470.1 (100%)8930.2 (100%)1193.7 (100%)624.6 (100%)145.3 (100%)355.5 (100%)2720.7 (100%)735.8 (100%)16 175.7 (100%)
Costs of caregivers (US$ millions)
CV disease237.2 (22.2%)2160.5 (35.9%)252.8 (21.1%)82.1 (15.8%)36.6 (36.6%)91.9 (29.4%)249.3 (27.0%)50.6 (7.2%)3161.1 (29.2%)
Stroke94.8 (8.9%)530.0 (8.8%)179.1 (15.0%)93.3 (18.0%)03.5 (3.5%)41.1 (13.2%)135.9 (14.7%)115.9 (16.6%)1193.7 (11.0%)
COPD421.4 (39.4%)1918.1 (31.8%)473.7 (39.6%)228.3 (44.0%)36.4 (36.4%)116.9 (37.4%)359.7 (39.0%)369.4 (52.8%)3923.8 (36.2%)
Pneumonia09.9 (0.9%)39.0 (0.6%)03.0 (0.2%)01.2 (0.2%)00.3 (0.3%)01.8 (0.6%)06.0 (0.7%)07.6 (1.1%)68.8 (0.6%)
Lung cancer79.4 (7.4%)224.3 (3.7%)54.8 (4.6%)19.9 (3.8%)03.8 (3.8%)07.2 (2.3%)24.3 (2.6%)23.1 (3.3%)436.8 (4.0%)
Other cancers102.9 (9.6%)457.9 (7.6%)95.9 (8.0%)34.5 (6.6%)07.7 (7.7%)16.6 (5.3%)39.7 (4.3%)53.7 (7.7%)809.0 (7.5%)
Secondhand smoke123.3 (11.5%)693.8 (11.5%)136.9 (11.4%)59.8 (11.5%)11.7 (11.7%)36.7 (11.7%)107.8 (11.7%)79.8 (11.4%)1249.7 (11.5%)
Total cost of caregivers1068.9 (100%)6023.7 (100%)1196.3 (100%)519.0 (100%)100.0 (100%)312.2 (100%)922.7 (100%)700.1 (100%)10 843.0 (100%)
  • COPD, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease; CV, cardiovascular; GDP, gross domestic product.