Table 3

The associations between ENDS tax structures (rates and bases) and tax incidence (n=52)

VariablesTax incidence
Wholesale=retail price
Tax incidence
Wholesale*115%=retail price
Tax incidence
Wholesale*130%=retail price
Tax rates0.23*0.22*0.2*0.19*0.18*0.17*
 $ taxes(0.003)(0.002)(0.003)(0.002)(0.003)(0.002)
Tax base
Value*closed system0.18*0.17*0.17*
R2 0.970.990.960.990.950.99
  • We report SEs clustered at the state/jurisdiction level in parentheses.

  • *Indicates statistical significance at 1% level.

  • ENDS, electronic nicotine delivery systems.