Table 1

Prevalence and intensity elasticity of cigarette smoking using GATS data

VariablesPrevalence elasticitiesIntensity elasticities
Model 1Model 2Model 3Model 1Model 2Model 3
Average consumption-weighted cigarette price (BDT per stick)−0.45***
Average consumption-weighted biri price (BDT per stick)−0.01
Wealth index (proxy of permanent income)−0.08**
Observations11 47111 47111 471156015601560
Link test: coefficient of square of the predicted values0.88−0.14−0.07
P value0.420.520.43
Correlation among residuals of part 1 and part 2−
  • *, ** and *** indicate significance at 10%, 5% and 1% levels, respectively. SEs are in parentheses. The estimation controlled for individual sociodemographic and economic characteristics, different tobacco-related warnings, advertising, promotional initiatives, and perceptions related to smoking and tobacco taxes. The corresponding marginal effects are provided in online supplemental table 1. For the link test, the insignificance of coefficients of the square of the predicted values indicates the parsimonious nature of the specifications.

  • BDT, Bangladeshi taka; GATS, Global Adult Tobacco Survey.