Table 1

Demographic and home characteristics from 139 participants from AIRWEIGHS study

Age (years; median (range))11 (8–17)139
Race (%)139
Sex (% male)59139
Caregiver education (%)139
 Less than college59
 Some college/beyond41
Health insurance (%)139
Caregiver income (%)139
 <$20 00042
 $20 000–$39 99926
 >$40 00019
Household occupancy (median (IQR))4 (2–9)138
Type of dwelling (%)139
 Row home/town home/apartment85
Smokers in home (%)46138
Indoor air nicotine (median (IQR))0.02 (0.02–5.17)139
Serum cotinine (median (IQR))0.20 (0.05–2.7)44
Tobacco outlet density (median (IQR))6 (0–37)139
NAEPP asthma severity (%)139
 Mild persistent37
 Moderate persistent43
 Severe persistent17
ATAQ score (mean (range))2.5 (0–7)137
  • ATAQ, Asthma Therapy Assessment Questionnaire; NAEPP, National Asthma Education and Prevention Program.