Table 5

Tax pass-through rates by state tax level

Cigarette prices at 25%Cigarette prices at 50%Cigarette prices at 75%
Low-tax states (AL, CO, GA, ID, KY, LA, MO, MS, NC, ND, NE, SC, TN, VA, WV, WY)
Federal and state excise taxes0.891*** (<0.001)0.922*** (<0.001)0.857*** (<0.001)
Tax*EC uptake−0.049 (0.745)−0.171 (0.119)0.074 (0.610)
Tax*nicotine salt evolution−0.305 (0.195)−0.230 (0.383)−0.306 (0.200)
Pass-through rates
2006–20110.891*** (<0.001)0.907*** (<0.001)0.960*** (<0.001)
2012–20160.842*** (<0.001)0.751*** (<0.001)0.930*** (<0.001)
2017 and later0.537† (0.093)0.521 (0.133)0.625† (0.084)
Medium-tax states (AR, CA, DE, FL, IA, IN, KS, NH, NM, NV, OH, OK, OR, SD, TX, UT)
Federal and state excise taxes1.052*** (<0.001)1.079*** (<0.001)0.990*** (<0.001)
Tax*EC uptake−0.034 (0.803)−0.035 (0.772)0.058 (0.675)
Tax*nicotine salt evolution−0.266 (0.346)−0.304 (0.335)−0.216 (0.503)
Pass-through rates
2006–20111.052*** (<0.001)1.079*** (<0.001)0.990*** (<0.001)
2012–20161.018*** (<0.001)1.044*** (<0.001)1.049*** (<0.001)
2017 and later0.753* (0.012)0.740* (0.016)0.832* (0.015)
High-tax states (AK, AZ, CT, DC, HI, IL, MA, MD, ME, MI, MN, MT, NJ, NY, PA, RI, VT, WA, WI)
Federal and state excise taxes1.010*** (<0.001)1.054*** (<0.001)1.227*** (<0.001)
Tax*EC uptake0.164 (0.210)0.041 (0.435)0.109 (0.432)
Tax*nicotine salt evolution−0.030 (0.721)0.112† (0.059)−0.078 (0.560)
Pass-through rates
2006–20111.010*** (<0.001)1.054*** (<0.001)1.227*** (<0.001)
2012–20161.174*** (<0.001)1.094*** (<0.001)1.336*** (<0.001)
2017 and later1.145*** (<0.001)1.206* (0.016)1.258*** (<0.001)
  • *P<0.05; **p<0.01; ***p<0.001.

  • †P<0.1.

  • AK, Alaska; AL, Alabama; AR, Arkansas; AZ, Arizona; CA, California; CO, Colorado; CT, Connecticut; DC, District of Columbia; DE, Delaware; EC, e-cigarette; FL, Florida; GA, Georgia; HI, Hawaii; IA, Iowa; ID, Idaho; IL, Illinois; IN, Indiana; KS, Kansas; KY, Kentucky; LA, Louisiana; MA, Massachusetts; MD, Maryland; ME, Maine; MI, Michigan; MN, Minnesota; MO, Missouri; MS, Mississippi; MT, Montana; NC, North Carolina; ND, North Dakota; NE, Nebraska; NH, New Hampshire; NJ, New Jersey; NM, New Mexico; NV, Nevada; NY, New York; OH, Ohio; OK, Oklahoma; OR, Oregon; PA, Pennsylvania; RI, Rhode Island; SC, South Carolina; SD, South Dakota; TN, Tennessee; TX, Texas; UT, Utah; VA, Virginia; VT, Vermont; WA, Washington; WI, Wisconsin; WV, West Virginia; WY, Wyoming.