Table 4

Indirect measures of smoking behaviour by observation periods, observation sites and facilities

Within observation periodsn=819n=235n=344n=240
Cigarette butts collected
 One or more found during an observation period, n (%)352 (43.0)140 (59.6)187 (54.4)25 (10.4)
 None found during an observation period, n (%)467 (57.0)95 (40.4)157 (45.6)215 (89.6)
At observation sites*n=163n=43n=72n=48
Cigarette butts collected
 One or more found at a site during any observation period, n (%)92 (56.4)31 (72.1)46 (63.9)15 (31.3)
 None found at a site during any observation period, n (%)71 (43.6)12 (27.9)26 (36.1)33 (68.8)
At healthcare facilities†n=40n=8n=16n=16
Cigarette butts collected
 One or more found at any observation site in a facility during any observation period, n (%)35 (87.5)8 (100)16 (100)11 (68.8)
 None found at any observation site in a facility during any observation period, n (%)5 (12.5)0 (0)0 (0)5 (31.3)
  • *Sites are said to have cigarette butts found if at least one observation period at that site had cigarette butts found.

  • †Facilities are said to have cigarette butts found if at least one observation site at that facility had cigarette butts found.