Economic indicators/year | 2015 | 2016 | 2017 | 2018 | 2019 |
Number of international visitor trips (thousands)* | 5256 | 5393 | 6483 | 7203 | 7726 |
Number of employees | 31 333 | 35 133 | 40 313 | 41 924 | 45 929 |
Monthly salary (GEL) | 564 | 627 | 673 | 827 | 854 |
Turnover (million GEL) | 1070 | 1307 | 1562 | 1812 | 2089 |
VAT (million GEL) | 417 | 608 | 700 | 789 | 1075 |
Production value (million GEL) | 1057 | 1325 | 1565 | 1816 | 2101 |
Number of food service facilities | 3229 | 4021 | 3990 | 4143 | 5169 |
Number of hotels | 1025 | 1496 | 1586 | 1717 | 2063 |
National Statistics Office of Georgia, 2023, except.
*Georgian National Tourism Administration, 2022.
VAT, value added tax.