Should one use smokeless tobacco in smoking cessation programs? A rational addiction approach

Eur J Health Econ. 2003 Nov;4(4):263-70. doi: 10.1007/s10198-003-0197-y. Epub 2003 Aug 26.


The rational addiction model is often used for empirical analysis of the demand for addictive goods. We propose an extension of the model to include two goods, cigarettes and Swedish moist snuff, locally known as snus. Demand equations are estimated using aggregated annual time series data (in first differences) for the period 1964-1997. The findings from the dataset used give some support to the rational addiction hypothesis. The cross-price elasticities are negative, which indicates that taking snus contributes to increased smoking. Thus it is not advisable to encourage the use of the less harmful snus in smoking cessation programs.